Zara erotická masérka


Today 16:00 - 23:00
4.4 (16 reviews)








#Natural breasts
#Czech 🇨🇿
#English 🇬🇧
Last updated: 28. October 2024


Today 16. 1. 16:00 - 23:00
Rabbit Hall Anděl Staropramenná 7, Praha 5
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Sunday 19. 1. 10:00 - 16:00
Rabbit Hall Anděl Staropramenná 7, Praha 5
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If you are interested in a masseuse, but she is unavailable on your chosen day, do not hesitate to contact us, and we will try to accommodate your reservation.


You can add additional services.

About the extras please be informed by our masseuses personally.


We introduce you to Zara, our stunning black-haired masseuse who will lead you into a world of pleasure and relaxation. Zara is Czech, and her natural beauty will captivate you immediately. With her large breasts, size 4, she is an unforgettable embodiment of femininity and allure.

She loves intimacy and closeness, making her the perfect choice for a body-to-body massage. Zara is not only beautiful but also an experienced masseuse who knows how to help you forget everyday stress and worries.

Come and indulge in an unforgettable experience with Zara, whose charm and professional approach will guide you into a realm of heavenly pleasure and tranquility.

Zara erotická masérka
Zara erotická masérka
Zara erotická masérka
Zara erotická masérka



Just had my first massage with Zara and there is nothing but the best I can tell about her.

She was very welcoming, kind and warm – both with her worlds as with her touches.

She let me felt comfortable from the very first minute, we shared a little chat in the beginning were she showed genuine interest in talking to me even tho for her I could have been just “other client”, then when I expressed my desire of diving deep in the relaxation during the message and abandon the talks, she respected my request and went on by touching me first very gently and then more deeply and firmly through a back massage that was just so stress relieving.

The end of the massage was a cherry on top but all the process has been incredibly pleasant.

After the massage was done, she helped me showering away the oils and we had another sweet chat that left me with the best feelings both inside and outside.

100% recommended, be nice to her and she’ll gives all her best to you!

Again thanks by your Italian 😉


I expected more from erotic massage. We didnt conect and she seemd like she was just waiting to finish the job. At the beginning we didn’t shower together but just only in the end and she didn’t seemed so interested in it. There was a lack of personal touch. I felt like I was on regular massage. My friend went after me and he had the same experience.


Response from Rabbit Hall

Thank you for your feedback, and we are truly sorry that your experience did not meet expectations. This is definitely not the standard we strive to provide. Please reach out to us on WhatsApp or via email so we can thoroughly investigate the situation and offer compensation if necessary. Your satisfaction is our top priority.


The best!

She give a amazing massage. She was very nice

Thank you a lot

Guy from France

Tuto recenzi píši po včerejším zážitku, u této slečny jsem byl po prvé a musím říct že jsem byl velice mile překvapen, profesionalita a přístup byl absolutně v pořádku a vyhovoval mi. Co se týče masáže, tak nemohu říct křivého slova.

Četl jsem si ostatní recenze a ta jedna dlouhá s jednou hvězdou vůbec nevystihuje můj zážitek. Slečna byla milá, přátelská, hovorová takže se člověk uvolnil. Slečna masíruje skvěle, její doteky jsou nepříjemnější co jsem tu zažil.

Pán co psal tu dlouhou recenzi se musel chovat jako hulvát a chtít věci které sem nepatří, jinak si to neumím vysvětlit 😊 děkuji moc za skvělý zážitek a určitě to nebude můj poslední


Zara je klenot. Chytrá, krásná, umí o sebe dbát a nechám trochu fantazii co všechno umí dát klientovi. Jen je třeba se naladit na správnou notu a respektovat ji jako sebevědomou ženskou, která ví co chce a co chce dát (a ano ty její čtyřky snad ani nejsou z tohoto světa :)).


It’s been already few weeks, since I visited Zara for an amazing massage. It was truly very pleasant experience. I chose her because of her pictures , but I didn’t expect that the reality is even much better.

She is super hot! Her personality is very lovely and her sense of touch is gentle n healing.

I ll definitely come again when I ll visit Prague.


Dobrý den,

Byl jsem za slečnou Zarou několikrát a vždy odcházel více než spokojený. Je velmi profesionální, zásadová, milá a empatická mladá dáma. Byl to vždycky nádherný zážitek a vřele doporučuji pokud mate rádi “kvalitu ne kvantitu”! Se Zarou se strašně dobře povídá, umí být jak posluchačem tak i rádcem. A ještě vás dostane úplně do tělesné euforie. Má nádherný křivky a měkkou pokožku má překrásný oči a usmev. Už se nemůžu dockat až za ni znovu přijdu.

Těším se na tebe brzy,

tvuj P.


I have been to many amazing ladies in this salon and others and I wrote 2 nice reviews on this website, but with zara I think she clearly needs a therapy due to her past traumas or due to the fact that she does not accept her job, in summary she was unconciously rude and insulting despite she may be a kind person.

From the first moment she scared me with her conversation and questions and negative feelings about others especially her ukranian colleagues (Zara is czech). She was talking too much and not focused on the massage in a place where people come to relax. When she knew my country she started complaining about her visit there and that she will never go again for whatever reasons in an insulting way, then she moved to another topic about her x-partner and how bad and drunk he was and that she still meets him for her financial needs.

She then moved to the topic that Ukranian girls do extras to get tips from the customers. But this is not true, ukranian girls are amazing and they never asked me for tips but Zara asked me for tips from the first moment which made me uncomfortable. They do extras because the extras are written on the website for extra money. And more and more negative topics and interrogations. In addition she left me for sometime in the begining and most of the time talking so the 90 minutes ended up 30.

As I noticed her passive aggression I was uncomfortable and she noticed that. Near the door she asked me how was it so I told her I will not come again. She tried to be nice and pretended to hug me. I will never go to a czech girl, only Ukranians, sorry for prototyping …


Response from Rabbit Hall

Thank you for taking the time to share your feedback with us. We truly appreciate it, as it helps us improve our services. We are sorry to hear that your experience with Zara was not a positive one, and we apologize for the inconvenience you encountered during your visit.

At Rabbit Hall, we strive to ensure that every client leaves satisfied and relaxed, which unfortunately did not happen in this case. We take your feedback very seriously and will be addressing the situation with Zara to ensure that our services meet the professional standards you are used to.

Please contact us directly via WhatsApp or email at so that we can thoroughly investigate this situation and provide you with compensation.

Thank you once again for your feedback, and we hope you will give us the opportunity to improve your next experience at our salon.


Je až podezřelé, jaké hodnocení tu čtu. Všichni nadšeni, samé superlativy. A to se týká hodnocení i ostatních dívek. Tomu snad soudný člověk nemůže věřit. Je pravda, že slečna odvedla práci dobře v souladu s popisem masáže. Ale to by mělo být snad samozřejmostí. Jinak je cítit přílišná profesionalita a čas úplně dodržen také nebyl. Takže normálka a kdo očekává, že bude na základě mnohých přehnaných recenzí jako v ráji, bude trochu zklamán. A obávám se, že by to mohlo platit obecně i u ostatních slečen.

To je naprosto nepodstatné

Response from Rabbit Hall

Děkujeme za vaši recenzi. Pokud jste studoval recenze všech slečen, můžete vidět, že publikujeme všechny recenze, včetně těch negativních. Co se týče hodnocení ostatních klientů, nemůžeme to soudit ani my, ani vy – jak se říká, 100 lidí, 100 chutí.

Jak sám zmiňujete, masáž byla odvedena profesionálně, což je náš cíl – poskytovat služby na té nejvyšší úrovni.

Pokud došlo ke zkrácení času, napište nám prosím na, kdy a v kolik jste masáž absolvoval, a my to prověříme a případně nabídneme kompenzaci.

Tým RH


Zara has the most gorgeous and seductive eyes you are ever likely to see. Her massage was an incredible experience that I will never forget. She is very pretty and knows how to be both warm and playful. Highly recommended!

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